Mrs. M&M illustrating safety rules and having some fun with sublimation in science today

First home volleyball game of the season.

Today the booster club ordered new t shirts, blankets, water bottle stickers and car decals. Look for these items to be sold at ball games very soon!

Order your '21 Hurley Volleyball shirts today!! Send all orders to Amy at 417-369-3271 . All orders must be in by 8/27. Payment is due upon pickup.

Hurley lady tigers went undefeated in the volleyball jamboree last night against Southwest, Purdy and Wheaton. Good job ladies.

First day of school - Tuesday, August 24th at 7:45 am. Breakfast and Lunch are free for all students until December 31st. Welcome back Tigers. #TigerUp

Hurley Tiger stadium seats!
Great for baseball, softball and basketball games.
Orders will be open starting today 8/23 and end on 8/30
I must have your money to order your seat.
Please let me know which color you want and how you would like to pay.
Order by commenting on FB or contact Brittany Conrad.

Good luck to the Lady Tigers tonight as they travel to Southwest to play in the volleyball jamboree. #tigerup

Our new app (Hurley R-I) displays school food items daily and is easy to follow by clicking the DINING option. Again, meals are free until December 31, 2021. Thursday morning is homemade cinnamon rolls! #TigerUp

Thank you to Wagon Wheel Printing for the awesome balloon exhibit at our Back to School Bash!

There will be basketball training Monday the 23rd from 6-7:30 with Coach Cloud. Any students k-8 are welcome to attend.

Thank you to Cross Lines for food delivery in Hurley on Friday! Special thanks to volunteers from the Hurley Church of God, and teachers, staff, and student from Hurley School - Marsha Burton-High, Libby Langley, Laci Maxwell, and Laura Motley-Mahnken.

A big thank you to Pleasant View Baptist Church of Highlandville for donating Preschool snacks and recess equipment for our Hurley students!

Cross Lines Food Pantry truck is here. Come on out. You may pick up food for other families that may not have transportation.

Back to School Bash is in full swing.

Junior High (6th-8th) girls and boys basketball practice starts Wednesday, August 25 from 4:00-5:30. You must have a current physical and insurance papers on file with the AD (Mr. Little) before you can practice. If you have any questions, call Mr. Little at (417) 369-3271.

Hurley Families, this is Dr. Pope with some announcements:
Back to School Bash is tomorrow night, Thursday, August 19th, from 5-7 pm. Please come pick up backpacks, t-shirts, and meet the teachers while enjoying hamburgers & hotdogs, bouncy house, haircuts, and Stone County Health Department immunizations.
At this time the district is making masks optional except for school buses. Federal mandates require masks on buses. Bus routes and times will be posted at the Back to School Bash. If your transportation plans have changed since last year please let us know by calling Amy Chamberlain in the front office.
Important quarantine information pertaining to masks will be posted on our website and available at the Back to School Bash tomorrow night. According to the CDC, if a student is exposed to COVID and not wearing a mask, socially distanced, or vaccinated they will have to be quarantined for 14 days. Masks are optional but for families who are concerned about that 14 day quarantine, you may want to consider masking.
There is a $20 technology insurance fee charge this year per student. Family discounts are available. Please see the Tech Insurance Form in your child’s Student Handbook for details.
Again, if someone you know isn’t receiving messages please contact Amy Chamberlain at 417-369-3271.

Baseball field concessions are all cleaned up and ready to go. Thank you to Andrea, Maraya, Jaema, Madi, Harper and Kinsley for all your help!
We have a few new items on the menu I am excited about. #tigerup

Check out our recent work on the ballfields. Geared up for ball season.

Food Pantry