Food Pantry
CPR Training for new staff members. A big thank you to Loralee. School is almost here!
Back to School Bash 2021
Hurley R-I wants your opinion on 3 surveys before Thursday.
1. Student masking at 2.
How to spend ESSER3 funds at, and
3. Kindergarten, 8th-Grade, or 12th-grade immunizations and available COVID-19 vaccine
Use the links included or bottom of our homepage or facebook.
I have some great news for all you Hurley Tiger fans!
This year home game admissions will be free for all ages with the exception of District games and Conference tournaments.
Letter from Mr. Little about HS Volleyball & HS Baseball.
While searching the app store you may need to enter Hurley R-I to see the app. You will see our Tiger head to know which app is correct. #TigerUp
Hurley R-I School District has a new alert system (Little Rock phone number). If you know of someone who did not receive this test message then have them call Amy Chamberlain at 369-3271 to be added to the list. Check out our new website at and our new app called Hurley Tigers in your app store. All school information will go through the APP. Don't miss a Tiger event. Download it now. Tiger Up!
2021-22 School Supply List
School Supply Lists - We apologize for the delay in providing a school supply list. The good news is that we will be supplying most of it. Everyone will be back to work Tuesday, August 3, 2021, and an official list will be posted.
After applying for a grant with the federal government, all hand sanitizer needs for students and staff will be provided by Hurley School District.
New sewing machines are here!
Board paid health insurance included and an opportunity for a part-time custodial to create a full-time position. Apply on-site or at
Mason Dunn and Caysen Youngblood placed 5th in the nation youth fishing associate state championship!
Summer Learning!
Class of 2034!
School Starts
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Save the Date!
Thursday, August 19, 2021, 5-7 pm
Preschool painted with pudding!
Preschool walk to J&P Greenhouse