Seventh grade science students will be meteorologists before you know it! ⛈🌤🌨
We have been looking at how the water cycle affects weather and testing relative humidity and air pressure.
Students designed a way to slow down water evaporation to be used in the real world too!
Physical and Chemical properties lab. #6thgradescience
Hurley Boys Basketball Winter Preview
School will be in session on Monday, November 22nd with a 1:00 pm dismissal on Tuesday, November 23rd. Thanksgiving Break is November 24-29! #TigerUp
Hurley Boy's Basketball is going to Galena for their Jamboree. Go show some school spirit and cheer on our boys. 5:00pm.
Hurley Girl's Basketball is having their Jamboree at Verona @ 6:00pm. Come out and show some support for our girls!!!
Hurley students won 1st place in bridge building at Galena's Fair on the Square. Congrats to Maraya Schimmels, Brooke Hoffman, Hunter Harralson, and Avery Myers. And a big thank you to MU Extension for the prize money.
If you would like to assist Stone County with their Toy Drive please read the flyer.
If your family needs assistance for Christmas please read the flyer.
Today we honor our military heros, those serving and who have served, in our Veteran's Day Assembly.
Mrs. Wertz's class projects.
Cali looking over the course at Columbia. Good luck today at cross country state.
Fall Carnival tonight!
5:00-7:00 P.M.
Come join us for games, food, and fun!
We would like to invite all local veterans to be honored on Veterans Day at a ceremony in the multi-purpose room on Thurs. November 11, 2021 at 8:30 am! Veterans are invited to arrive at 8:00 am for coffee and donuts. Please email to RSVP.
PICTURE DAY TOMORROW - Friday, November 5th! Fall Carnival tomorrow night. #TigerUp
School Spirit Day tomorrow, Friday, November 5th.
Pajama Day tomorrow, Thursday, November 4th.
Tigers for the Win game club will meeting from 3:45-5:30pm November 4th and November 18th. Students in grades 5-12 are welcome to join even if they have not previously attended.
Decades Day on Wednesday, November 3rd.
Picture Day is coming - Friday, November 5th. Fall Carnival is that night! #TigerUp