Hurley R-1 Newsletter: Grades 7-12
Announcements for the week of:
November 4 - 8, 2024
Important Dates:
November.8: Recognize Veterans Day
November 8: Three week grade checks
November 25: School in Session
November 26: Tigers serve day
November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break
December 13: Senior Citizen Luncheon
December 16: School in Session
December 17: Christmas Program
December 20: End of 1st Semester
January 7: School resumes
Sports for Week of:
Saturday, November 2nd: Cross Country District Meet at Plato at 1:45
Friday, November 8th: Cross Country State Championships at Columbia TBD
Principal Note for High Schoolers: This semester if going by fast. Make sure you are working hard to stay on top of assignments. Teachers are running tutoring session often, take advantage of this extra time when you need it! Keep up the hard work, we believe in you.
Club Announcements:
Drama Club Rehearsal on Thursday November 7th
Chapter T-Shirts have been designed, we are now taking orders until Nov. 15. You can contact Ms. Hance to order or you can find order forms at the front office.
Butter Braid fundraiser has started, if you are in FFA and need an order form come see Ms. Hance, everyone must participate. Orders are due no later than Nov. 14th. Make sure to collect money as people order. You can also order online at
Veterans Day Assembly is Nov. 8, please be in Official Dress if you have it, if not please dress nice.
Area 12 Barnwarming Tuesday, Nov 12th at Hollister. Bus leaves at 5pm and will return at 10 pm. See Ms. Hance for a permission slip and turn it in by Nov. 6th.
Chapter meeting Thursday, Nov. 21 during RTI.
Stuco Meeting on Friday, Nov 15 and Friday, Nov 22 during RTI
Stuco will be hosting the 5-8th grade Winter Social on Friday, December 6.
Jr. High Announcements (Grades 7th & 8th)
Principal Note for Jr. High: This semester if going by fast. Make sure you are working hard to stay on top of assignments. Teachers are running tutoring session often, take advantage of this extra time when you need it! Keep up the hard work, we believe in you.
Club Announcements:
Drama Club Rehearsal on Thursday November 7th
Teacher announcements for Jr. High Core Subjects:
7th grade ELA (Knight): 7th Grade will continue their exploration into informative essay writing, focusing this week on research strategies.
7th grade Reading (Lumpkin): Seventh graders will begin reading “Women in Aviation.” This week students will be learning to identify, analyze, and draw conclusions about the author’s purpose for writing informational texts.
7th grade Math (Conlee): Seventh graders will take their unit test over operations with rational numbers. They will be taking home their study guide on Tuesday.
7th grade Science (Hampton): 7th Grade is moving right on through our cellular energy; and, our test will be coming up this next week so study your science study guide.
7th grade Social Studies (Donnell): Students are working on slide show presentations covering the countries in South America. Each student has a country to cover.
8th grade ELA (Knight): 8th Grade will continue their exploration into informative essay writing, focusing this week on research and prewriting strategies.
8th grade Reading (Lumpkin): Eighth grade students will start working through Collection Two of our reading curriculum. This week, students will begin reading “The Tell-Tale Heart.” While students are reading, they will be learning how to determine the point of view from which a story is told, evaluate the credibility of a narrator, and identify techniques used to create suspense in a fictional account.
8th grade Math (Conlee): Eighth graders will take their test over Transformations on Wednesday. They will take home their study guides on Tuesday.
8th grade Science (Hampton): Our 8th Grade is starting into chemical reactions as we learn about the different types of reactions that occur in our world. The unit is important as it leads into our chemical equations next.
8th grade Social Studies (Donnell):
Eighth grade students are continuing to learn about South America. Each student has a country and is working on a slide show for their country.