
Hurley R-1 Newsletter: Grades 7-12

Announcements for the week of: 

October 21 - 25, 2024

Important Dates: 

Oct. 18: Fall Carnival  5pm-7pm
Oct. 21: Parent Teacher Conferences from 11am -7pm 
Oct. 23: Flu Vaccination Day (Be sure to get permission forms in for your child/ren.)
Oct. 25: Blood Drive from 12:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.
Nov. 8: Veterans Day Observed
Nov. 25: School in session
Nov. 26: Tigers Serve Day (Community input needed!! Read the Counselor note below.)
Nov. 27-29: Thanksgiving Break

Sports for Week of: 

Monday, October 21 - Volleyball at Purdy at 5:30.

Tuesday, October 22 - Volleyball Districts at Crane vs Wheaton at 7:00

Saturday, October 26 - State and National SAR Tournament

High School Announcements  (Grades 9-12)

Principal Note for High Schoolers: Parent/Teacher conferences are this Monday, Oct. 21, from 11:00-7:00. Parents and teachers must work together to create success opportunities for our students! Be sure to email teachers or call the front office to sign up. If you are unable to access TeacherEase to check on your child’s grades, please see Ms. Wilson on Monday. Or call the front office and we can assist you. 

Counselor Note for High Schoolers: We are looking for community service opportunities that can be completed by high school students on Tuesday, November 26. If you have a project in mind please contact or call 417-369-3271 and ask to speak to Keith Slater. 

Club Announcements: 

Mental Health Club: This Friday October 25th from 6:45 AM-7:15 AM will be the first meeting of the Mental Health Club.  If you are interested in learning coping strategies to improve your mental health or just wanting to spend time with like minded peers, this is the group for you.  Our first meeting will cover expectations of the group and exploring the needs of the group.

FFA: The Corn Maze is Friday, October. 25th, we will leave at 5pm and arrive back at school around 10pm. Make sure your permission slips are turned in by Tuesday, October 21st. We will have a Chapter Meeting Friday October 25th during RTI.

Drama Club: Rehearsal on Thursday, October 24th.  We will be practicing “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” 

Stuco: CBCO Blood Drive on Friday, October 25 from 12:00-4:00. Stuco students will be helping all afternoon. Meetings during RTI on Tuesday and Wednesday to prepare for the blood drive. 

Teacher announcements for High School courses:

Plant Science (Hance): We had our first frost of the season this week so plants are turning brown, please collect decent plants for your plant books. Plant books are due November 22nd. 

Jr. High Announcements (Grades 7th & 8th)

Principal Note for Jr. High: Parent/Teacher conferences are this Monday, Oct. 21, from 11:00-7:00. Parents and teachers must work together to create success opportunities for our students! Be sure to email teachers or call the front office to sign up. If you are unable to access TeacherEase to check on your child’s grades, please see Ms. Wilson on Monday. Or call the front office and we can assist you. 

Counselor Note for Jr. High: Red Ribbon Week is this week.  We have two excellent speakers and I am so excited to have our students learn from them.

Club Announcements:

Mental Health Club: This Friday October 25th from 6:45 AM-7:15 AM will be the first meeting of the Mental Health Club.  If you are interested in learning coping strategies to improve your mental health or just wanting to spend time with like minded peers, this is the group for you.  Our first meeting will cover expectations of the group and what are some of the needs of the group.

Drama Club: Rehearsal on Thursday, October 24th.  We will be practicing “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” 

Teacher announcements for Jr. High Core Subjects: 

7th grade ELA (Knight): 7th grade will be continuing to work on their argumentative essays, exploring if space and ocean exploration are worth the risk. After completing, we will spend some time revising our Personal Narrative from earlier in the year. 

7th grade Reading (Lumpkin): Next week, students will wrap up their Storm Scientist journals and begin presenting their hurricane research findings to the class. They will share what they've discovered about the hurricane they studied with their peers.

7th grade Math (Conlee): Students will continue their work with integers & rational numbers. We will move into rules for multiplying and dividing followed by multistep word problems. A test over rational numbers will be in the near future. 

7th grade Science (Hampton):  Students in 7th grade will be starting into important areas of photosynthesis and cellular respiration with our priority standard of energy!!!

7th grade Social Studies (Donnell): Students will finish the unit on Mexico and Central America learning about geography, history, and cultural background of these countries.

8th grade ELA (Knight): 8th grade will be finishing their multimedia campaign exploring when teenagers become adults. After completing the unit assessment, we will be spending some time revising our personal Narratives from earlier in the year. 

8th grade Reading (Lumpkin):Next week, students will wrap up their Storm Scientist journals and begin presenting their hurricane research findings to the class. They will share what they've discovered about the hurricane they studied with their peers.

8th grade Math (Conlee): We will continue our work with rigid motions. Our focus this week will be rotations on a coordinate plane. We will explore some digital tools that are similar to drafting and gaming programs. 

8th grade Science (Hampton):  We will continue our unit on compounds and bonding!!!  Students will learn how to create both ionic and covalent compounds that will help us in the future of chemical reactions.

8th grade Social Studies (Donnell): As students finish the first quarter, they will end the unit on Mexico and Central America learning the cultural background, geography, and history of this region.