
Hurley R-1 Newsletter: Grades 7-12
Announcements for the week of: 
September 30 - October 4, 2024

Important Dates:

Sept. 27: 3 week grade checks
Oct. 16: Picture Day 
Oct. 18: Fall Carnival  5pm-7pm
Oct. 21: Parent Teacher Conferences from 11am -7pm 
Nov. 8: Veterans Day Observed
Nov. 25: School in session
Nov. 27-29: Thanksgiving Break

Sports for Week of September 30 - October 4: 


  • HS volleyball vs Exeter at 5:30. Varsity only.

  • HS baseball at Wheaton at 5:00.  

  •  JH basketball at Verona at 5:00. 


  • HS volleyball vs Mansfield at 5:30.

  • JH basketball at Everton at 5:30

  • HS baseball at Billings at 5:00


  • HS volleyball at Everton at 5:30

  • JH basketball vs Chadwick at 5:30.


  •  Cross country at School of the Ozarks 4:00 PM

  • HS volleyball at Crane at 5:30.

  •  JH basketball vs Niangua at 5:30

High School Announcements  (Grades 9-12)

Principal Note for High Schoolers: Grade checks will be sent home today (Friday, September 27th). If you have questions please contact your student’s teacher. Many teachers have tutoring options available. Be sure to contact teachers or the front office (417-369-3271) to schedule parent/teacher conferences. Conferences are Oct. 21, 11:00-7:00. Call and make an appointment that works for your schedule. 

Counselor Note for High Schoolers: The biggest update is that we will not be attending the Monett College and Career Fair on October 4, 2024.  This conflicts with Farm Fest and so we decided to cancel.  I will however keep parents and students posted on other opportunities to explore colleges and careers.

Club Announcements: 

FFA: Field Trip reminders. Please mark your calendars and watch for permission slips.
October 4:  Farm Fest
Concessions: Volleyball Tuesday, Oct. 1st at 5:30 (Great way to pay your dues!)
FFA Dues are $25 (includes chapter, state, and national dues plus chapter shirt) DUE BY OCT. 3rd AT THE LATEST. FFA Dues are due OCT. 3rd. These must be paid in order to participate in FFA events, including Farm Fest.
FCA: Oct 9 -  FCA meeting in Mrs. Wertz room at 7:00 AM.
STUCO: Meeting Thursday, October 3, 2024 during 4th hour in the Music room.
CBCO Blood Drive on Friday, October 24,2024 from noon-4:00. 

Teacher announcements for High School courses:

Biology (Hampton):  As the trees turn colors, this is a great time for our students to learn about cell processes in class!!!  I would like to invite and meet everyone at the upcoming Parent/Teacher Conferences on Oct, 21.

Jr. High Announcements (Grades 7th & 8th)

Principal Note for Jr. High: Grade checks will be sent home today (Friday, September 26th).  If you have questions please contact your student’s teacher. Many teachers have tutoring options available. Be sure to contact teachers or the front office (417-369-3271) to schedule parent/teacher conferences. Conferences are Oct. 21, 11:00-7:00. Call and make an appointment that works for your schedule. 

Counselor Note for Jr. High: Wednesday, I was given the privilege to come into the 7th grade classroom and discuss career exploration with our students.  I hope to meet with 8th grade soon and provide opportunities for students to explore possible careers.

Club Announcements:

Drama Club: Thursday, Oct. 3 - Dress Rehearsal from 3:45-4:45
  Friday, Oct. 4 - Presentation of The Frog Prince, Continued at 3:00

Teacher announcements for Jr. High Core Subjects: 

7th grade ELA (Knight): 7th graders will be continuing our Risk and Exploration unit and will soon be beginning our Summative Assessment for the unit. 

7th grade Reading (Lumpkin): 7th graders will be learning how to analyze the elements of a myth and how to determine two or more themes within the text.  

7th grade Math (Conlee): Seventh graders overall did a great job on their unit test over proportional relationships. We will be starting our next unit and working with integers. 

7th grade Science (Hampton):  We are learning about cell structure and functions that help in the cellular processes of life.  I would love to see everyone at the Parent/Teacher Conferences on Oct 21.  

7th grade Social Studies (Donnell): Students will be taking the states and capitals test on Friday, September 27, 2024. They are finishing the unit covering the United States and Canada.

8th grade ELA (Knight): 8th graders will be continuing our Approaching Adulthood unit and will soon be beginning our Summative assessment for the unit. 

8th grade Reading (Lumpkin): 8th graders will be learning how to analyze imagery and figurative language to better understand a memoir. 

8th grade Math (Conlee): Eighth graders just completed their first unit test. Grades are posted in teacherease. This week students will begin working with roots and irrational numbers.

8th grade Science (Hampton):  The 8th grade class is learning about the periodic table and moving into elements forming compounds with also the area of chemical bonding of ions.  I would love to meet everyone at the Parent Teacher Meetings in October.  Have a super week!!! 

8th grade Social Studies (Donnell): They are finishing the unit covering the United States and Canada. Students will take a test over the states and capitals on Friday, September 27, 2024.