
Hurley R-1 Newsletter: Grades 7-12

Announcements for the week of: 

September 23-27, 2024

Important Dates:

Sept. 27: 3 week grade checks

Oct. 16: Picture Day 

Oct. 18: Fall Carnival  5pm-7pm

Oct. 21: Parent Teacher Conferences from 11am -7pm 

Nov. 8: Veterans Day Observed

Nov. 25: School in session

Nov. 27-29: Thanksgiving Break

Sports for Week of Sept. 23- 27:

Monday:  HS baseball vs Southwest at 5:00

               JH basketball at S of O at 6:00

Tuesday: HS volleyball vs S of O at 5:30

Thursday: HS baseball at Purdy Tournament at 4:00 and 6:30

                 HS volleyball vs NEVC at 5:30

Friday: JH basketball at NCA at 5:30

Saturday: HS baseball Purdy Tournament 

                 HS volleyball Tournament at Galena

                 Cross Country at Hermitage

High School Announcements  (Grades 9-12)

Principal Note for High School: Three week grade checks being sent home next Friday, Sept. 27. Check over your child/ren’s grades. Reach out to teachers with questions and concerns. 

Counselor Note for High School: I have now sat down with every Freshman and talked with each student about credits and career goals after High School.  I am starting to speak with all the Sophomores now.  Bobcat Days on Tuesday September 17 was a huge hit! I plan on taking students next year so please be looking for material about Bobcat Days next year.  Monett College and Career Fair is coming up.  This is for all of our Juniors and Seniors.  We will be leaving school at 9:15 and will be back in time for our Vo-Tech students to get on the bus for Vo-Tech.  A Google Sheet has been sent out to all of the Juniors, Seniors, and parents of Juniors and Seniors.  If you would like more information please feel free to email me at kslater@hurleytigers.org or call at 417-369-3271 ext. 3327 and ask Kierstin for Mr. Slater.

Club Announcements: 

Drama Club: Rehearsal on Thursday 3:45-4:45

FFA: Field Trip reminders. Please mark your calendars and watch for permission slips.

September 25 - is Area 12 Greenhand Conference (Ag 1 Only)

September 27 - Food for America 

October 4 - Farm Fest 

Concessions: Volleyball Thursday, Sept. 26 at 5:30 (Great way to pay your dues!)

FFA Dues are $25 (includes chapter, state, and national dues plus chapter shirt) DUE BY OCT. 3rd AT THE LATEST.

FCA: See you at the pole Sept. 25 7:00 AM!

Teacher announcements for High School courses:  

Biology (Hampton):  Students are doing great!!!  We are starting into our cell structure and function unit that leads us into cellular processes down the road.  Thank you for encouraging your students to do their very best! 

Algebra 1 (Moeller) : Unit test on Wednesday.  

Geometry (Moeller): Unit test on Wednesday.  

Jr. High Announcements (Grades 7th & 8th)

Principal Note for Jr. High: Three week grade checks being sent home next Friday, Sept. 27. Check over your child/ren’s grades. Reach out to teachers with questions and concerns. 

Counselor Note for Jr. High: Not a whole lot going on in Jr. High but we are coordinating our visits from Burrell very soon and we are also looking into drug prevention curriculum in advance of Red Ribbon Week at the end of October.

Club Announcements:

Drama Club: Rehearsal on Thursday 3:45-4:45

FCA: See you at the pole Sept. 25 at 7:00 AM!

Teacher announcements for Jr. High Core Subjects: 

7th grade ELA (Knight): 7th grade will be having their first vocabulary test on Friday. We will be participating in review activities a few minutes per day all week to help students get more familiar with the testing material. We will be testing over our vocabulary words that we cover during our bellwork every day. Students will be asked to match a word to the definition, and then to write an original story using the words correctly. I will not be grading on the “quality” of the story, but rather if students are able to use the word in context.

7th grade Reading (Lumpkin):  Seventh-grade students will be analyzing and evaluating the arguments presented in a passage discussing the risks and rewards of a 13-year-old boy climbing Mt. Everest. Upon reading, students will be able to clearly identify and understand the main argument put forth by the author, as well as critically assess the counter-argument presented by another perspective. This exercise will strengthen their ability to engage with multiple viewpoints and build a coherent understanding of the issue.

7th grade Math (Conlee): TEST on Wednesday! Seventh graders will have their first big math test. They will have a study guide (on paper) for proportional relationships.They will need to prepare and be ready for the test on Wednesday. 

7th grade Science (Hampton):  We are wrapping up our unit on the human body.  We will soon be diving into our new unit on cellular processes.  Please continue to encourage your students to take good notes and study their study guides for tests in science.  Thank you

7th grade Social Studies (Donnell):  Students are learning about the United States and Canada. They will have a test over the 50 states and capitals on Friday, September 27.

8th grade ELA (Knight): 8th grade will be having their first vocabulary test on Friday. We will be participating in review activities  a few minutes per day all week to help students get more familiar with the testing material. We will be testing over our vocabulary words that we cover during our bellwork every day. Students will be asked to match a word to the definition, and then to write an original story using the words correctly. I will not be grading on the “quality” of the story, but rather if students are able to use the word in context.

8th grade Reading (Lumpkin):  This week eighth graders will be learning to analyze imagery and figurative language to better understand a memoir. 

8th grade Math (Conlee): TEST on Wednesday! Eighth graders will have their first big math test. They will have a study guide (on paper) for scientific notation and exponent rules. They will also have an exponent booklet they can use to study. They will need to prepare and be ready for the test on Wednesday. 

8th grade Science (Hampton):  We are starting into physical and chemical processes of the periodic table.  I gave all the students a table to use in our class.  We will be doing some neat labs on density and the element of the periodic table.  I am truly enjoying our learning in science class.  Thank you

8th grade Social Studies (Donnell): Students will have a test over the 50 states and capitals on Friday, September 27. They are learning about the culture of the United States and Canada.