Activities & Sponsors
FCA - Laura Wertz
Fishing - Eric Dunn
FTA - Kaitlyn Conlee
Student Council - Laci Maxwell
Athletics & Coaches
Archery and Rifle - Tracy Flood
Cross Country- Jared Ives
HS Baseball - Joey Little
JH Baseball-Levi Ellingsworth
HS Volleyball- Cortney Smith
Jr. High Volleyball-Claudia Little
HS Softball- Jared Ives
HS Boys' Basketball- Larry Cloud
Jr. High Boys' Basketball-Larry Cloud
HS Girls' Basketball- Joey Little
Jr. High Girls' Basketball- Joey Little
3rd-5th Basketball (Boys and Girls)-Larry Cloud
Cheerleading- Bonnie Delk
Activities/Athletics Schedules
2024- HS Fall Baseball
2024-HS Volleyball
2024- JH Boys Basketball
2024-JH Girls Basketball
2024-Cross Country
24-25-HS Boys Basketball
24-25 HS Girls Basketball
2025-HS Spring Softball
2025-HS Spring Baseball
2025-JH Spring Volleyball